Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Friend Like Simon

A Friend Like Simon 


Written by Kate Gaynor
Illustrated by Catrina Sweeney

Theme: Acceptance, Belonging, Appreciating Differences
Genre: Fiction, Acceptance, Disabilities
Grades:1st and up

A child with autism, Simon, joins a mainstream classroom. Many children can find it difficult to understand and cope with a student who is somewhat different. This story encourages children to be aware of and patient with differences in others. Emphasis is placed on appreciating the positive contributions that Simon can make to the group. This book is a Moonbeam children's book award winner in 2009.

Again with this book, the idea of disabilities comes up. Books like these do not put any specific person on the spot and are able to help the education of students on different disabilities.

Pre-Reading Activity: Start by asking the students if they know anyone who has a disability, such as autism. Ask them what they first remember about meeting this person. Has how they feel when they are around this person changed since then? Discuss why their feelings may have changed.

Post-Reading Activity: After reading the book talk about what being a good friend means. Have them make a list of qualities of a good friend up on the board. Have them refer back to the story and determine whether or not the characters were being good friends at different points throughout the story. Have students then go back to their desks and write about someone that they know that they think is a good friend. Have them list the qualities that this person possess, which makes him or her a good friend.

About the Author: Kate Gaynor is the author of 11 children’s books which address the issues of children with special educational needs, or health and social problems. Karen is the managing director of Special Stories Publishing and began work on the ‘Special Stories’ series in 2005, drawing on the personal experiences of friends, relatives and healthcare professionals. Kate is an English and Sociology graduate of University College Dublin.

 Gaynor, K. (2009). A Friend Like Simon. Special Stories Publishing.Grades 1+

1 comment:

  1. This would be a great book to read if there was an autistic child in the class or even to teach about autism. Great find- I will need to add this to my library!
